
Sunday, July 18, 2004

The value of Outfoxed:

Now that we've examined the film in detail (post below) we're free to discuss the merits of the film. Basically, it provides people something to point to when discussing Fox's bias, non-journalism, and overall tone. Because the film consists of may clips from the channel (instead of pundits grousing), it's a database of Fox's misbehavior.

We think the film was very carefully constructed. For about the first three-quarters of the movie, it portrays Fox News as failing all sorts of journalistic norms, guided by a conservative ideology that just happens to dovetail neatly with Republican politics. But that's putting the cart before the horse. The top node - as the movie points out - is partisanship. From that all else flows: The various Techniques, the pro-war stance, flattering coverage of Bush and hostile coverage of Kerry.

At least that's how it impressed us. By bringing up the partisan issue late in the film, the viewer is finally given a clear explanation of the prime motivator for FNC. Sure, good ratings are nice, but don't forget that Fox didn't get big numbers for a while after starting up in 1996. Like the Weekly Standard and the New York Post, Fox News Channel is primarily designed to promote a Republican agenda.


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