
Sunday, April 11, 2004

Vox populi:

In the message threads for two Yahoo stories, Bush: Nothing Warned of 9/11 Attacks and Bush Says Aug. 6, 2001, Memo Did Not Foretell 9/11, there were a number of posts critical of Bush. For your reading pleasure, we reproduce a few of them:

    Bush: "No one came to my ranch while I was vacationing to wake me up and say that on 9/11/01 on flights from Boston there will be 19 hijackers taking four flights and running them into the towers and the Pentagon between 9:00 and 11:00 am. How on earth do you expect me to do my job when I have no information?"

    A previous quote from Bush:
    "I am the master of low expectations."

  • POST: Bush voters dumber than Bush?

    I'm beginning to think so!

  • POST: Why Bush REALLY Ignored the 8/06 PDB...

    10. Arena Football games on the Tee-vee were too exciting.
    9. It’s too hot in Crawford, TX in the summer to think.
    8. Uncle Dick was supposed to take of this.
    7. The title of the memo was: “bin Laden Determined to Attack America.” I thought they meant South America.
    6. Could you repeat the question?
    5. Tony Scalia and I were still celebratin’ the November election that day.
    4. The memo mentioned Al Qaeda cells living in the US and planning terrorist attacks using explosives and/or hijackings in the US, possibly in New York City. It DIDN’T give me names, addresses, dates, and whether the terrorist attacks were going to be black tie or semi-formal.
    3. I forgot about them PDBs after I realized they weren’t PB and Js.
    2. A page and a half of stuff to read?!? Without ANY pictures?!?
    1. I forgot to PULL MY HEAD OUT OF MY ASS.

    Folks--isn’t it time we got serious about the fate of country and elected a REAL President again? Let’s put aside debates about Bush’s intentions before invading Iraq. This man has demonstrated a lack of good judgment about:

    Impending terrorist threats
    Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Costs of Invading and Governing Iraq
    Involving our Allies in these Matters

    This man is flat-out incompetent. His heart may be in the right place when it comes to defending America, but he’s not up to the job. The Presidency is not a place for on-the-job training. It’s time for Bush to go.

  • POST: It's not my fault, now vote for me!

    Bye bye Bush.

  • POST: Bush, your credibility is ZERO

    and sinking into the negatives.

  • POST: Republican News Cycle Stuck on "Spin"

    Hey Karl, you fat pig: sometimes things spin out of control!

  • POST: 16 US dead last 3 days & Bush in Texas

    "The war president"

  • POST: Did he clear that comment w/Cheney?

    Bush shouldn't be talkin' bout complicated stuff like this with Cheney out of the country.


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