
Monday, March 15, 2004

This man is a disgrace:

William Safire writes today in the New York Times: (excerpts, emphasis added)
... Senator John Kerry, campaigning last week in Chicago, let loose with his opinion of Republicans opposing him as "the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen."

Was it wise for a candidate for president to characterize Republicans - tens of millions of American voters, including even veterans - as thieves and liars?

[Safire writes of the] blunderbuss slander of Republicans as "the most crooked, you know, lying group"

... Kerry now revels in reviling millions of those crooked, lying Republicans.
That was not what Kerry was talking about. Kerry was not characterizing "tens of millions of American voters." Kerry was not engaged in "slander of Republicans." Kerry was not "reviling millions of ... Republicans."

Kerry is a smart politician and he would love to get Republican votes. He would not offend millions of potential voters.

Safire treats his readers as fools.


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