
Tuesday, January 20, 2004


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer     pages 471-475

HITLER'S REPLY TO ROOSEVELT (must be registered w/Amazon to view page)

Hitler got to the core of his answer to the President's request that he give assurances not to attack any of thirty-one nations.
"How has Mr. Roosevelt learned which nations consider themselves threatened by German policy and which to not? Or is Mr. Roosevelt in a position, in spite of the enormous amount of work which must rest upon him in his own country, to recognize of his own accord all these inner spiritual and mental impressions of other peoples and their governments?

Finally, Mr. Roosevelt asks that assurances be given him that the German armed forces will not attack, and above all, not invade the territory or possessions of the following independent nations ..."
Hitler then read out slowly the name of each country and as he intoned the names, I remember, the laughter in the Reichstag grew.
George W. Bush's State of the Union Address of 20 January 2004
"Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be internationalized. This particular criticism is hard to explain to our partners in Britain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands,   (cheering)   Norway, El Salvador, and the 17 other countries that have committed troops to Iraq. "
COMMENTARY: We were listening to the speech and early on thought that it was martial in spirit - even bellicose. In fact, it seemed similar to the sort of speech that a Hitler or a Kruschev might deliver. Then, to our immense surprise, Bush read out - slowly - a list of countries to make a point. This was very much like the well known episode where Hitler read out a list of countries in a speech in the Reichstag. (That speech, on 28 April 1939 is often shown in World War Two documentaries because it shows the Fuhrer in a rare lighthearted moment.) Now, we're not saying Bush is Hitler, but we cannot help but wonder what the speechwriter was thinking when that country-list was included - because even if most Americans aren't aware of the parallel, many others throughout the world (and especially in Europe) will not miss the eerie parallel.


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