
Friday, August 08, 2003

Typical Rumsfeld:

From remarks to the press at Bush's ranch:
Q: Mr. President, for you and for Secretary Rumsfeld, please. Secretary Rumsfeld, did you authorize Pentagon officials to hold some secret talks with Iran-Contra figure Manucher Ghoreanifar, in order to push for a regime change in Iran? And Mr. President, do you think that's a good idea, and is the new policy official policy, regime change in Iran?

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: I had not had a chance to see these articles -- or an article, that I guess exists. I did get briefed by Condi and Larry DiRita here a minute ago. ...
Didn't have a chance to see the article(s). What the hell is he talking about?

Oh, now we get it. Rumsfeld was doing his usual distancing act. Virtually everything he knows - apparently - comes from the press and not from his Pentagon staff. (And didn't he also claim not to know about the Niger/uranium issue until it was reported in the New York Times?)


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