
Thursday, August 21, 2003

Ignorant Texans:

Via Tbogg we learn that students in Texas will now have to recite their own state pledge:
"Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."
Indivisible? Not according to this Texas Facts webpage:
As part of the negotiations to enter the "Union", Texas was given the right to divide itself into an additional four states at some point in the future, for a total of 5 "Texian" states, though no one has ever considered it worthwhile - it still has that right!

We suggest the following pledge instead:
"Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one - yet potentially divisible into five states of 'convenient size' and 'sufficient population'."
For more details on the legislation surrounding Texas' admission to the Union, go here.


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