White House vindicated! Bush told the truth! CIA confirms! Poor ol' Josh Marshall is
fretting again. He wonders if White House claims are true - that there
was intelligence (other than the forged Niger document) showing that Iraq had obtained, or was about to obtain, uranium from Africa. He writes:
This was always one of the most intriguing elements of the White House's defense. Because they seemed to be referring to intelligence so top-secret and rarefied that they couldn't even share it with the CIA or other members of the intelligence community. It was so top-secret that only the president's speech writers had sufficiently high security clearances to see it.
Well, we have uncovered the documents that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Saddam was up to his eyeballs in deals for uranium with various African potentates. The CIA (after consultation with the Vice President's office) has declared these document genuine and proof that Saddam was restarting his atomic bomb project - as president Bush has asserted:
To: Saddam Hussein Subject: Yellowcake I am pleased to report that we can deliver 50 tonnes of uranium oxide to your centrifuge facility over the next ten months. We shall commence shipment beginning next month. King Farouk on my yacht somewhere in the Mediterranean | | Mr. Hussein, Yes, we have extensive uranium ores that we would be happy to sell to your country for your industrial projects. Patrice Lumumba deep in Katanga province | |
President S. Hussein - We don't know why you want these heavy rocks, but will willingly trade them for short handled stabbing spears. Shaka Zulu Chieftan Natal | | Saddam, As per your request, we will be shipping 40 cubic cubits of U3O8 as soon as our latest domestic engineering project is completed. Regards. Ramses II Karnak | |
posted by Quiddity at 7/08/2003 11:53:00 PM