
Sunday, July 27, 2003

Tom DeLay bloviates:

From the comments section at Eschaton/Atrios, we found a link to a curious page on Tom DeLay's website. It was a transcript of a speech he gave recently to College Republicans. Some excerpts:
Good afternoon, or, as John Kerry might say: “Bonjour!”

... in the interests of clarity, I have a simple message to pass along: the national Democrat party seems to have lost its marbles.

While everyone else got the memo that big-government, blame-America-first liberalism died with disco, the Howard Dean Democrats still want to party like it's 1979!

But frankly, America doesn't need a president in a hot-pink leisure suit.

The September 11th attacks were ... a premeditated assault on the freedom of every human being on this planet ...

To try to gauge just how out of touch the Democrat leadership is on the war on terror, just close your eyes and try to imagine Ted Kennedy landing that Navy jet on the deck of that aircraft carrier.

The Democrats' accusations AREN'T meant to be taken seriously.       Because they're unserious people.

They've gone off the deep end.

It makes you wonder if at their next presidential debate, the Democrats are all going to show up wearing aluminum-foil helmets to protect their brain waves from the mother ship!

To the College Republicans the speech was given to:
Most everyone who speaks to College Republicans at some point utters the phrase, “You are the future.”

College Republicans aren't our future – you're part of our present.

You've already shown your commitment to Republican principles by joining the C-R's, and when you return to school, I want you to contact your local Republican congressional candidate's office and ask to join the STOMP program.

STOMP – Strategic Task force for the Organization and Mobilization of People – is a powerful manpower organization I started a few years back.
STOMP! That's the ticket! (It's easier to pronounce and shorter than sturmabteilung.)

MEMO TO TOM: It's "tin-foil hats", not "aluminum-foil helmets". Everyone knows aluminum won't deflect mind-reading tachyon beams. That was proved at the Lyndon LaRouche Institute of High-Energy Physics back in 1996.


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