
Monday, July 14, 2003

Media Alert !

In the wake of the SOTU flap, we thought we'd drop by Brent Bozell's (conservative and hapless) Media Research Center to see what they had to say. Alas, not very much. Nothing at all about the Sunday political talk shows. In fact the only item of note was this scorcher:
Clift Puts Bush Team’s Credibility Gap at 9 on 1 to 10 Scale
Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift put the Bush administration’s “credibility gap” at a very high “eight or a nine,” she asserted on the McLaughlin Group over the weekend.
In the wake of the controversy over the State of the Union address and the lack of any weapons of mass destruction being found, John McLaughlin asked the group to rate the administration’s “credibility gap” with zero representing no gap and ten representing a “metaphysical gap.”
Clift replied: “With all of that, and also throw in the fact that they’re stonewalling the 9-11 commission, making it hard for them to do their work, it’s up to an eight or a nine.”
There you have it. A pundit offering an opinion on a freewheeling and generally-conservative forum is considered another instance of liberal media bias. Wow.


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