
Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Diversity, shimersity:

All this talk about how "diversity" is needed in universities, companies, and the military is really besides the point. Do we really need diverse points-of-view in mathematics class? Basically, the diversity argument is being used to promote affirmative action, and we're not convinced by it. Why not state the truth? That some groups have been discriminated against for a long time, had 2nd class status (economically and socially), and need to be given preferential treatment in order to bring them into the mainstream of society. The notion that preferences should only apply to proven instances of past discrimination strikes us as unnecessarily limiting. O'Conner was close to the truth when she wondered if affirmative action would be needed 25 years from now. If one looks at the history of other groups (Irish, Italians), it takes about 100 years for assimilation. Taking the end of Jim Crow laws in the 1960's as the starting point, African-Americans probably will be substantially integrated into society in another 50 years or so. That sounds about right.

CAVEAT: We think that normally it takes about 100 years, but note that due to the current drug laws, an incredible proportion of black men have been in jail or prison (about 1/3, if you can believe it). While we're not going to go so far as to say that the drug laws are a proxy for Jim Crow, they're pretty darn close. We will be very interested to see how African-Americans fare when soft drugs are decriminalized (yes, it's going to happen).


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