Helping out: Calpundit
expresses puzzlement over Willliam F. Buckley's latest
essay. Calls it "gibberish."
Well now. It seemed clear to us what he was trying to say. So, as a favor to Kevin Drum, we present a diagram of the essential points made by Buckley:

See? It all makes sense. A guard frisking a little girl naturally leads to a discussion of Stalin's last evening, and that brings to mind Abdul's dirty linen, which forces us to suspect that Hollywood actors are in league with the French - whose president should drop his pants the next time he visits 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Calpundit is a pretty bright guy, and we're disappointed that he couldn't follow Buckley's
obvious argument.
posted by Quiddity at 4/05/2003 12:24:00 AM