
Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Your tax dollars really not at work:

Did you know this? (from AP)
President Bush, confronting an ailing economy and the prospect of war in Iraq, declared he will ``rally the American people to some great causes'' in Tuesday night's State of the Union address.


Much of Bush's speech will focus on domestic concerns, officials said. Pushing a new plank in his ``faith-based initiative,'' Bush is asking Congress to direct drug treatment dollars to religious organizations. His plan would give addicts treatment vouchers that would allow them to seek help at any center, including those with religious approaches, two senior White House officials said.


On the domestic front, Bush's voucher plan for drug treatment is sure to be controversial because many religious drug treatment programs do not employ medical approaches and do not use staff that have been licensed for this work. It would cost $200 million in the next fiscal year.

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At first, Bush embraced voodoo economics. Now it's real voodoo.

What does Dr. Bill Frist think of Bush's plan?

This voucher program is the camel's nose in the (revival) tent.


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