
Friday, November 01, 2002

Noonan channels Wellstone:
To: Democrats
From: Paul Wellstone
Date: Oct 30, 2002


Imagine Trent Lott died in a plane crash last week. Please--stop cheering. That's the problem.


When the rally
[at my funeral] was over, I grieved. And I have to tell you--this is very personal to say, but where I am it's the soul that counts ...


Let me be very candidly specific. Some of you need to get a good psychologist and a good holy man or woman, a priest or rabbi or minister--or how about all three--and figure out why you're turning everything in your life into politics. Because I have to tell you what I know: Politics is the biggest, easiest way in all of America to avoid looking at yourself, and who you are, and what fence needs fixing on your own homestead.

A lot of you are in politics not beacuse you want to lead, but because you want to run. From yourselves.


That's what I have to say. Hope I didn't anger you; I just meant to warn you.

[emphasis added]


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