
Sunday, November 17, 2002

Burying your lede(s):

This morning, Harry Shearer brings to our attention a New York Times story for this Sunday.

Headline: Agencies Monitor Iraqis in the U.S. for Terror Threat
Total words: 1333
Paragraphs: 28

Tenth/Eleventh paragraph:
[There is] a focused effort to assess whether the regime of Saddam Hussein has engaged in any actions, through alliances with Middle Eastern terrorist organizations or efforts to obtain weapons, that could threaten American interests in this country or abroad. ... The officials said the monitoring had not detected any specific threats in the United States or against American interests overseas.
Last paragraph:
The Bush administration has said it has evidence of contacts over the years between Iraqi intelligence and Qaeda operatives, and there have been reports that some Qaeda operatives moved into Iraq after fleeing Afghanistan. But American intelligence officials say there is no evidence that Iraq has become involved in Qaeda terrorist operations, and the Bush administration has never found hard evidence that Iraq played any role in the Sept. 11 attacks.
Yet Bush claimed it 11 times during the 2002 election campaign.


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