
Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Sullivan on the New York Times, in the Sunday Times of London:

What a waste! 2095 words. 1 goal: Destroy the Times!

Some excerpts:
  • In the last month, critic after critic has piled on. The newspaper has become, in George Will's words, "the incredibly shrinking Times, reinventing itself along the lines of a factional broadsheet of the 1790s." Another conservative, Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard, told the Washington Post, "The question of the New York Times is now in play. The degree to which they seem in their news columns to be leading the charge against the war has struck everyone, including people like me, who are not big complainers about the news media."
  • It was slowly becoming clear that Raines was intoxicated with the power of his position ...
  • Sometimes, this even meant straightforward lies.
  • ... there is also a creepy, paranoid hatred of the current president that is difficult to miss among the chief columnists at the paper.
  • The real opponents of the war in America are therefore outside the elected political branch, and are really three-fold: the New York Times, the men who left Saddam Hussein in power in 1990 and who are thus partly responsible for the current crisis (Scowcroft, Powell), and gun-shy military brass, who also opposed the first Gulf War.


    Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.

    By Anonymous Moscow Apartment, at 5/05/2011 5:46 AM  

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