| The fly in your soup, the pee in the pool, that dog-eared page in a book. Why does Andrew Sullivan continue to appear in thoughtful journals? He's recently been added to Salon's stable of writers, and as The Rittenhouse Review notes, has managed to get his anti-New York Times views into the New Republic. This latter item is particularly galling, since Sullivan is completely wrong about the Times' reporter - as Ted Barlow demonstrated. Why is the New Republic publishing this sort of material? Was Steven Glass unavailable? Andy has been called many things: unscrupulous, hypocritical, unpleasant, and rude. We'll just confine ourselves to saying that he's acting like Andew Sullivan. But he'll probably say that's getting really low.
UPDATE/CORRECTION: According to Ted Barlow, Andrew Sullivan did not write TNR's Notebook entry. Uggabugga regrets the error. |