Kaus on healthcare: The Mickster writes:
[The New York Times] piece is also a warning to Tipper Gore types about the potential costs of mental health "parity," since many of the new disability claims involve vague hard-to-disprove claims of stress and depression. (emphasis ours)
Why isn't it hard-to-
prove claims?
Anybody who has dealt with mental health disability - or knows someone who has - is
aware that the burden of proof is on the claimant. Yet Kaus writes it up as if benefits are automatically granted, and the agency providing them has to ferret out the scoundrels. But then, that's Kaus' outlook: If a person needs help,
suspect the worst.
Bravo, Kaus!
NOTE: There has been considerable debate about Kaus. Is he or isn't he (quirky liberal, conservative, Mugwump, biped)?
After witnessing his continuous nipping at the New York Times, his silence about Coulter, and his celebration of lower welfare rolls (while homelessness rises -
Hooray!), there can be no doubt. The man is a conservative. End of story.
posted by Quiddity at 9/02/2002 09:49:00 PM