
Saturday, August 24, 2002

Word games:

On Friday, August 23, the Los Angeles Times reported on California's Republican gubernatorial candidate thusly:
President Bush arrives in California today to raise desperately needed cash for gubernatorial hopeful Bill Simon Jr., a routine visit that has turned into a political predicament for the White House.

Bush advisors have cringed at the prospect of an appearance by the president, who has professed zero tolerance for corporate wrongdoing, alongside a candidate whose family investment firm faces a $78-million judgment in a case involving alleged fraud.
That was also the language used the same day on the NBC Nightly News.

So, there's a court case, a jury renders a decision, and it's still an alleged offence?

These days, the press won't call a spade a spade. No wonder the electorate has a poor grasp of the candidates' background (and policies). It's pretty much nothing but "horse race" analysis and the occasional gaffe.


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