
Sunday, August 18, 2002

Sunday Show Round-up. For August 18, 2002, the topic was Iraq, invade or not? Now or later?

Follow the leader -

NBC's Meet The Press:
(Moderator) BRIAN WILLIAMS: Senator Inhofe, what about the growing number of Americans we hear from and read about in opinion polls saying, “You know what? I just haven’t heard the case made yet to the extent that I could support going in, pre-emptively, in Iraq.”

Senator JIM INHOFE, (R-Okla.): Well, first of all, the American people don’t have and shouldn’t have the information that the national security team has. You know, the whole thing’s about leadership. ... Our intelligence system has said that we know that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction—I believe, including nuclear. ... We have the best national security team that’s ever been assembled. I think the star of that team is Condoleezza Rice. We should let them listen to the confidential information they have, the intelligence they have and act and exert leadership and quit worrying about who else is going to join us.
Pay no attention to other opinions. And there's only one task to do in the Middle East -
Fox "News" Sunday panel discussion:
BRIT HUME: Let's be clear about this. We're not talking here about passing a piece of legislation. We're not talking about having a policy that's popular in the polls. We're not talking about getting a Senate resolution that approves the idea of the war. The only thing that matters, only thing that ultimately matters if you attack Saddam Hussein is that you succeed in toppling him. And it's hard to imagine an aftermath in Iraq that would be worse than the present circumstances. Almost impossible to imagine.


JUAN WILLIAMS: ... if our priority is, as the President has said, is the war on terrorism, why are we sacrificing the potential, - and here I'm echoing Scowcroft and Kissinger - why are we sacrificing the potential, to have our Arab and Asian allies withdraw and pull away from us in terms of seeking out terrorists?

BRIT HUME: Success in Iraq will take care of all of that.
There you go. Don't think, just do it.


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