
Thursday, August 15, 2002

Hey everybody, let's put on a show!

Okay, let's not. But perhaps we can engage in a little Coulter-ish behavior to amuse ourselves. Let's examine the White House transcripts for the Economic Forum sessions that the President attended (4 on specific topics, plus one plenary) - which took a total of about 90 minutes - and count the number of times there was "laughter": here (2) and here (3) and here (12) and here (3) and here (18). Which comes to 38 instances, or about one laugh every other minute. And at a time of great concern about the economy. The outrage!

The funniest session, judging from the numbers, was the one on Healthcare Security (18 instances), which makes complete sense. I know I'm always amused when it comes to illnesses that threaten my life and financial condition.

Actually, we're not exactly Coulter-ish here. These facts are true.


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