
Sunday, June 19, 2011

The more egregious you are, the less the press will call you out:

E.J. Dionne, writing about the recent move by states to make it harder for (Democrat aligned) groups to vote, writes: (emp add)
These statutes are not neutral. Their greatest impact will be to reduce turnout among African Americans, Latinos and the young. It is no accident that these groups were key to Barack Obama’s victory in 2008 — or that the laws in question are being enacted in states where Republicans control state governments. (...)

Paradoxically, the rank partisanship of these measures is discouraging the media from reporting plainly on what’s going on. Voter suppression so clearly benefits the Republicans that the media typically report this through a partisan lens, knowing that accounts making clear whom these laws disenfranchise would be labeled as biased by the right. But the media should not fear telling the truth or standing up for the rights of the poor or the young.


These statutes are not neutral. Their greatest impact will be to reduce turnout among African Americans, Latinos and the young.

Silly writer can't even spell fraud correctly.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/20/2011 5:43 AM  

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