Changes: Now that Alberto "The Geneva Convention is obsolete" Gonzales is slated to become the head of the
Department of Justice, we can look forward to a new attitude - and a new seal:

The ends justify the means. (Other Latin expression pages are
here and
posted by Quiddity at 11/12/2004 05:15:00 AM
That's great. :) Except not really. Perhaps 'apt' is better.
This is great. Did you make this? Permission to use on another web site? Creative Commons license, maybe?
Thank you very much.
One small change with another meaning of exitus and you get this - acta exituum probat - "It esteems acts of death" -
My former college roommates and I had an expression: "Effodis tuum sepulchrum" which seems appropriate here. (We usually just said, "effodis" for short, when someone was doing something particularly foolhardy/self-destructive.) Roughly translated: "Dig your own grave."