Rumsfeld on PBS' News Hour: We watched the interview and were struck by how much Rumsfeld attempted to physically intimidate Jim Lehrer. Leaning forward, smiling aggressively, trying to get Lehrer to be a pal, and oddball responses:

JIM LEHRER: But you do understand why people ask questions that are like I just asked you, do you not?
DONALD RUMSFELD: Sure, we've got 24 hour news. People are impatient.
JIM LEHRER: No, no I'm not talking about news. I'm talking about, you know, the impression that was left....
At one point in the interview the director decided to have the camera do a half-orbit around the two men (sort of like what Spike Lee does in his movies). The entire viewing experience was bizarre - mostly due to Rumsfeld's peculiar demeanor.
In our opinion Rumsfeld was somewhat successful in discombobulating Lehrer (though others think Jim held his ground). You can read the transcript or (better yet) view the video
Also, Daily Kos has some
thoughts on the event (plus there are a lot of
posted by Quiddity at 9/11/2003 12:29:00 PM